“…13.12.1933, is an audiovisual project that is born and built through the mobility of bipolarity. Major concepts are corruption-incorruption, presence-absence, visible-invisible, static- mobility, start-ending. This is fed by the primary contradictions which produce the dipole of picture-sound. The sculptural part of the project consists of two basic elements. A cardboard coffin and a metal construction. The coffin, taking the archetypal form of the sarcophagus and maintaining the human scale, is made of hard cardboard, the usual material for packaging and object transportation. This almost teeters on the edges of the metal structure. The heavy construction, of dark gray color, refers to something wild, hard, cold, sharp as opposed to the less durable, hard and aggressive sarcophagus…. The sound (natural and otherworldly) accompanying the sculptural part and completing the work is coming to intrude the silent atmosphere created by the two elements, sparking questions. What is the relationship of the air and water and the sculpture installation? Why the waves “break” the sculptural element, yet leave it intact and what is the relationship between the perpetual rhythmic motion of water, the human body- living or deceased-, the earth?…”